
M, b. circa 355
     Wig was born circa 355 at Ancient Saxony. He was the son of Freawine.

Child of Wig


M, b. circa 327
     Freawine was born circa 327. He was the son of Frithogar.

Child of Freawine

  • Wig+ b. c 355


M, b. circa 299
     Frithogar was born circa 299.

Child of Frithogar

Aethelbert I

M, d. between 24 February 615 and 616
     Aethelbert I was the son of Eomenric. Aethelbert I died between 24 February 615 and 616.

Child of Aethelbert I and Bertha


M, d. 664
     Earconbert was the son of Ealdbald and Emma of Austrasia. Earconbert died in 664.

Child of Earconbert and Sexburga of East Anglia

Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths

F, d. 613
     Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths was the daughter of Athangild King of Visigoths and Goswinda. Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths Brunhilda's sister, Galswintha, married Siegebert's half brother, Chilperic I. In 568 Chipleric had Galswintha murderred, at the instigation of his concubine, which resulted in war (573) between Sigebert and Chilperic over Galswintha's marriage settlement, the lands of Bordeaus, Limoges, Quercy, Bearn and Bigorre. Following her husbands assassination, Brunhild was imprisoned at Rouen, but after a very short marriage to Merovech, son of Chilperic, she was allowed to go to Metz, the Austrasian capital, where her son Childebert II had been proclaimed king. There she was to assert herself against the Austrasian magnates for the next thirty years. After Childebert's death in 596, Brunhilda tried but failed to set herself up as a guardian over Childebert's son, Theodebert II, and then stirred up against him his brother Theodoric II, who was king of Burgundy. Theodoric overthrew his brother in 612, but died in 613. Brunhilda then tried to make Theodoric's son, Sigebert II, king of Austrasia. The Austrasian magnates, tired of her tyrannous regency, appealed to Chlotar, who had her tortured for three days, bound on a camel and exposed to the mockery of the army, and finally tied to the tail of a horse and dragged to death. She married Siegbert I, King of Austrasia, son of Chlothar I, King of Franks, in 567. Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths died in 613.

Child of Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths and Siegbert I, King of Austrasia

Sexburga of East Anglia

     Sexburga of East Anglia was the daughter of Anna and Saewara.

Child of Sexburga of East Anglia and Earconbert

Egbert I

     Egbert I was the son of Earconbert and Sexburga of East Anglia.

Child of Egbert I


M, d. 640
     Ealdbald was the son of Aethelbert I and Bertha. Ealdbald died in 640.

Child of Ealdbald and Emma of Austrasia

Emma of Austrasia

     Emma of Austrasia was the daughter of Theudebert II.

Child of Emma of Austrasia and Ealdbald


     Anna was the son of Eni.

Child of Anna and Saewara



Child of Saewara and Anna


     Bertha was the daughter of Caribert I.

Child of Bertha and Aethelbert I

Theudebert II

M, d. 612
     Theudebert II was the son of Childebert II. Theudebert II died in 612.

Child of Theudebert II


     Eni was the son of Tytila.

Child of Eni



Child of Eomenric

Caribert I


Child of Caribert I

Childebert II

M, d. 596
     Childebert II was the son of Siegbert I, King of Austrasia and Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths. Childebert II died in 596.

Child of Childebert II



Child of Tytila

Siegbert I, King of Austrasia

M, d. 575
     Siegbert I, King of Austrasia was the son of Chlothar I, King of Franks. Siegbert I, King of Austrasia married Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths, daughter of Athangild King of Visigoths and Goswinda, in 567. Siegbert I, King of Austrasia died in 575.

Child of Siegbert I, King of Austrasia and Brunhilda Princess of Visigoths

Chlothar I, King of Franks

     Chlothar I, King of Franks was the son of Clovis I, King of Franks and Clothilde of Burgundy.

Child of Chlothar I, King of Franks

Athangild King of Visigoths


Children of Athangild King of Visigoths and Goswinda




     Galswintha was the daughter of Athangild King of Visigoths and Goswinda.

Clovis I, King of Franks

M, b. 463, d. 511
     Clovis I, King of Franks Clovis became king of Tournai at the death of his father Childeric I in 481. By unifying the Franks and bringing most of Gaul and the Germanic lands under his control, Clovis became the founder of the Frankish Kingdom.
In 486 Clovis decisively defeated General Syagrius, son of Aegidius, the last Roman governor of northern Gaul, and set up his capital at Soissons. In 490-491 he took possession of the Salian Kingdoms of Cambrai and Tongres. In 496 he repelled an invasion of the Alamanni by invoking the God of his Christian wife according to legend. After completely defeating the Alamanni in 506, Clovis marched against the Visigoths in southwestern Gaul. He defeated Alaric II, king of the Visigoths, near Poitiers in 507. Clovis made Paris his capital in 508.
Clothilde, his wife, was Arian by religion but with strong Roman Catholic tendencies. This marriage was of primary importance, as the real shape of France dated from it. It was she who led her husband to abandon his old beliefs and embrace Christianity. He was baptized in the 15th year of his reign at Rheims on Christmas Day in 496 along with 3000 of his followers. He was born in 463. He was the son of Childeric I, King of Franks and Basina. Clovis I, King of Franks married Clothilde of Burgundy, daughter of Chilperic II, King of Burgundy, in 493. Clovis I, King of Franks died in 511.

Child of Clovis I, King of Franks and Clothilde of Burgundy

Clothilde of Burgundy

     Clothilde of Burgundy was the daughter of Chilperic II, King of Burgundy. Clothilde of Burgundy was also known as Clotilda of Burgundy. Clothilde of Burgundy was also known as Chrotechilde of Burgundy. She married Clovis I, King of Franks, son of Childeric I, King of Franks and Basina, in 493.

Child of Clothilde of Burgundy and Clovis I, King of Franks

Childeric I, King of Franks


Child of Childeric I, King of Franks and Basina



Child of Basina and Childeric I, King of Franks

Chilperic II, King of Burgundy


Child of Chilperic II, King of Burgundy


     Centwine was the son of Cundwalh.

Child of Centwine